Thursday, August 22, 2013

More greenhouse

I'm not going to post a blow-by-blow account of this greenhouse but I thought it'd be quite nice looking back at this one.  4 corner blocks in position at pretty much the correct level.  

Back-breaking but very satisfying.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Courgettes into marrows

Turn your back for a second and those dainty little courgettes turn into massive marrows.  I didn't even know they came from the same plant!

"You don't get many of them to the pound missus!"

BTW that's a pound coin on top.

Greenhouse construction begins

Flattening the base-to-be and getting ready to sort out foundation.  Digging is even harder than I remembered but I guess it counts as exercise (sort of).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Greenhouse breaking news

Bought the greenhouse, £75.  Only problem is that it has to be dismantled and transported from one side of Sheffield to the other.  Still, what else are Sundays for?

Totally dismantled and most of the 'bits' I.e. glass etc. moved back to Allotment with o ly a cople of breakages.  Just the big sections to go and Mike comes to the rescue with his truck.  All now moved and re-construction underway.

Probably going to build a small wall of blocks and lift greenhouse onto it but can't quite decide.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

More Broad beans . . .

. . . and more,and more and more. 

 Actually I call them Fava bens now because I think that sounds a bit cooler.  The other guys on the allotment don't know what I'm on about of course and probably think I'm from America.

Anyway, tried freezing a batch this morning.  1 minute boiling water and then plunge into iced water, dry them off a bit and straight into a freezer bag.  

That's Winter sorted out - well for 1 small side dish anyway.  Think I might pick and freeze a load more today.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Very exciting day tomorrow, going to look at a secondhand greenhouse #how-sad-am-I

Hope it looks as good as this one I've grabbed of the Net.  I'm tempted to just go and buy a new one but for 2 things.

Firstly they cost more money; and secondly I don't really want a shiny new one on my plot.  I'm basically a recycling, Eco-warrior kind of guy.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Spacing veg for next year

A few images of things growing and how the spacing between them isn't quite right.  Looking forward to making adjustment next year.


These need a LOT of room, at least a metre apart. Mine are about a foot apart (nearly forgot to always use imperial units for the allotment).  Makes it tricky to get to the middle one and the leaves shade everything else.  Probably not enough food for them either.

Second, leeks.  Too close to the courgettes and I think they should be further apart.  Maybe need a bit of earthing up.

Finally, sweet corn.  Spacing s OK but I should have put a few more in I think.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Zucchini flowers

Took a bunch of flowers along a few small courgettes to try out this Tempura thing

And cooked, getting a bit dark in the garden now so not the best pic

Taste great though, particularly the little courgettes.  I'm getting some more of them today, the 4 plants are starting to churn them out.