Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Courgettes for 2016

The courgette seeds I planted in pots have done incredibly well so I've decided to get them in the ground.  I know that the slugs are going to have a great time (field day?) attacking them but, fingers crossed, a couple may get through.

I put a few of the copper rings around them but I know that the slugs just laugh at them.  May buy some of the slug pellets - organic ones of course, as if they makes any difference.

Splitting Artichokes

The artichoke bush is getting a bit big and probably a bit old so I decided to have a go at splitting it.

Youtube, 'the Google' and numerous books I own, all advised the same thing - take a sharp spade and drive down through the roots of a side shoot.  Looked easy but I was a bit worried that I only managed to get some small roots after 'driving down'.  Maybe I'm just not aggressive enough.

Anyway, planted the 3 'cuttings' and hoped for the best. . . and they seem to have taken!

Not sure I particularly like artichokes but the plants are nice and Ive got plenty of room.