Garlic. - brilliant. Easy to grow and comes up a cracker. Self sufficiency beckons.
Broad beans. - shaky start but pretty good in the end.
Courgettes - again a bit shaky but a good crop in the end
Potatoes. - good but we don't eat enough of them.
Strawberries. - OK but not as good as the first year.
Tomatoes. - disappointing compared to last year. Trouble ripening.
Sweet peas. Brilliant Pity you can't eat them.
Sweet corn. Waste of time. Need to start them earlier and keep them in the greenhouse for longer.
Artichoke. Nice plant. Never tried to eat them, let them turn into flowers
Rhubarb. Good
Blackberries. Brilliant. Freezer full of them.
Leeks. Not so good but still time I guess. Reports of leek moth but I don't think that's the problem.