Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Raised bed number 2 complete, no idea what I'm going to put in it yet.

Also got a couple of pyramids built, 1 for runner beans (I know, I know, no-one likes them much but they are really nice to grow).  2nd one is for Sweet Peas which are coming on nicely in pots inside and outside the greenhouse.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Second raised bed in the making (45% complete)

First one was a triumph of 'measure twice, cut once'.

Second is bit more 'let's see how it goes'.  Thinking of raising one side on bricks - radical!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rhubarb for dessert

'Forced' rhubarb doesn't sound very humane does it.  Grow rhubarb in complete darkness and the young shoots are very sweet, apparently.  Sounds similar to the production of veal and, seeing as I love  veal, I figureI'm going to like forced rhubarb.

Looked at few cool forcing pots in the green centre but decided to use an updsice down flower-pot instead 'cos I had a flower-pot and didn't fancy spending £40 on a 'forcer'.

Here's the results; the rhubarb uncovered; the harvest; ready for the oven; puréed; and the finished dessert.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Seed planting for lunch

Took an hour off for lunch to plant some seeds before it gets too late.


    San Marzano    Look like plum tomatoes, good for space apparently
    Alicante    Look like normal tomatoes

If every seed germinates and grows I'll be giving a lot of plants away in a few days (hmmm - or maybe selling them!)

Chili Peppers

    Gusto Puprle

And managed to get something in the 'raised bed' that I built recently

Spring Onions   White Lisbon


Scarecrow Repairs

Regular visit from the Scarecrow builder, Elisa, meant that we could do a few running repairs and get her (the scarecrow, not Elisa) positioned to scare pests from the broad beans.

I actually think we need to work on a scare-slug design for this year.