Tuesday, October 21, 2014

. . . manure . . .

21st October :  3 trips to manure pile so far.  10+10+7 barrow loads shifted and almost all of strawberry patch 1 (with 20 single spade full).  Weather turned now and clocks go back at the weekend.  Still a big pile left though.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My manure

Couldn't resist posting one image of the pile.  Half of this is mine (sharing a 'full load' with Alan) and I'll start barrowinf it away later this week . . . maybe.  Not sure what the carpet's for but I think it's to keep it warm!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Borlotti bean harvest

I was planning to leave the borlottis for as long as possible to dry out but it's too wet now and I need to clear some space to start spreading the manure (see previous post).

Some seem to be dry and nicely speckled but others are still green.  I wonder if they'll speckle as they dry?

A big pile of manure

Yes that's right.  Driest September for ever (apparently) and then after just a few days of rain it happens to be the manure delivery. It's messy and I don't think it needs any photos.