Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chitting a-plenty

What a strange verb - 'chitting','to chit' (certainly confuses the spell-checker).
Anyway it's all coming along nicely and I think they could be nearly ready.

I'm stealing glances at other peoples plots; some have started others are waiting.  Am I the only one stealing glances - or maybe they're waiting for me?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Strawberry patch maintenance

Put some chicken manure pellets on the strawberry patches.  Not really worth a picture- just saying.

Path building

It's clearly too early to plant stuff so I thought I'd tackle a bit of path-building. The 'entrance' path is more than a bit dangerous so that's a good starting point.

Here it is in all its glory

And here it after a bit (i.e. a lot) of huffing and puffing - just working out where things might go of course.

All I have to do now is get a bit of a base together (sand and cement maybe) level it off and re-lay everything so it nice and smooth.  Easy-peasy.  Final image to follow, in a week or so I hope.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Beaucoup de Garlic

Finally, something is in the ground.  Garlic.  2 varieties - Solent Wight, that actually said 'Plant in Autumn' but I ignored that bit, and Arno, that said in 'Plant in Spring' so that's good.  

When you split the bulbs up there are a surprisingly large number of cloves to plant so, if it all grows, I think I'll be looking for a bike, a beret and a stripes T-shirt later this year.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Here we go again!

The seed arrives, the sun comes out - excitement mounts for Year2. 

Time to get some potatoes chitting too, although there's quite a bit of commentary around (internet-based of course) on whether to chit or not.  Maybe I'll chit half the potatoes and not chit the others, and then write up the results as an academic paper . . . or maybe I won't.  Perhaps best to switch the internet off and listen to what the other chaps at the allotment say.  

Oh no! They're all saying different things too!

Seed packets from the Real Seed company look nice though.