Next year, when I know a bit more about want I'm doing, the tomato harvest is going to be crazy.
This year, with not much idea of what I am doing, they are continuing to deliver in abundance. Swapping them, giving them away and , of course, eating them - smell and taste is perfect.
Here's last night's harvest - when will it end I wonder. Other plants e.g. Peas just seem to give up in an instan! wither and die. I guess the tomatoes will do this too at some point - loads of green ones left though, maybe I'll get through to October.
Couple of images ...
The main catwalk
3 that didn't make the main catwalk, splits caused by irregular watering apparently - and I though I was on top of that!
And how I see next year's harvest going with the Inaugural Ecclesall Allotment tomato Festival - like the Spanish one except a little more gentile.