Saturday, December 28, 2013

Clearing up for the New Year (brain and allotment)

Couple of hours pottering round to clear head between Christmas and New Year.  All looking nice and ready for new planting.  Might try and get some onions in soon.

Can't decide about the paths. A Google search on 'path allotment' gives a billion hits with ideas aplenty, unfortunately most being contradicted in the next piece you read.  Conclusion - do whatever you think is best.  Wonderful.  

I'm thinking wood chips over a plastic membrane!  Oooh, fancy!   Although I am tempted to extend the herring-bone brick thing started by my predecessors.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


It's probably not on everyone's top 10 list of Things-To-Do but just spent an hour in the rain and mud on Christmas Eve harvesting Brussels Sprouts for tomorrow's turkey dinner.  

I've heard that some people buy sprouts from a shop but I'm not sure whether that's true or not.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Windy or what?

As we move into the darker wetter days when there's not a great deal to do, along comes the mega-wind and takes out 3 sheets of glass form the greenhouse. 

I didn't take a picture because its just too sad.  Try and get to the glass shop before Christmas or I might block it up temporarily with some board.