Monday, November 18, 2013

Horseradish sauce

I didn't plant this Horsedradish but decided to dig it up to see what's what.  

Interesting that something a bit ugly can turn into something so tasty.  I guess that in the-olden-days, people just sampled everything and found out which things tasted nice, and which things killed them.  They must have been very adventurous to have a go with a horseradish root - good decision though.

Dig . . .Peel . . .Grate . . Sour cream . . . .absolutely delicious

Monday, November 11, 2013

Rainy days and Mondays

Oh no, the scarecrow's face got a bit washed off in the rain.  Moved to greenhouse to prevent further deterioration until the  Scarecrow Builder returns with paintbox.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The scarecrow builder

Which one is the scarecrow and which one is the scarecrow builder?


A present from Elisa to scare the crows away.  Hope it lasts through the winter till next year when I'll need to scare them away - and the pigeons of course.

Leeks for lunch

A few weeks out and about and everything seems to be in a state of disrepair.  

Leaves everywhere and not much growing except sprouts (ready in time for Christmas I hope), broccoli (still not to sure this is ever going to flower) and leeks, which are looking very nice indeed.  I think I should plant some more so we can have a regular crop over the winter.  Starting to get addicted to Leek and Potato soup off the BBC Website.